It’s Not Just Civil Rights It’s Human Rights

For the longest time I have avoided the gay marriage issue for no really good reason other than it didn’t affect me much.   In all honesty it really doesn’t affect most people’s lives, yet it’s a major issue.  I think there’s a huge misunderstanding of what the issue actually is.

First we need to leave God and the bible completely out of this issue for the simple reason is that what the gay community is asking for is simply to have their union recognized legally by the state.  That’s it, they want the same legal treatment as a heterosexual marriage has.  They want dependant benefits, immediate inheritance, and next of kin status.

Now, the arguments about this are always the same “It’s natural law”, or “It’s God’s law” or “Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve”, Blah blah blah.  Every thing always points back to religion.  Religion is all well and good in the right forums, but we’re talking about state recognition not religious recognition.  I don’t care if a church won’t recognize a marriage, that’s their problem.  Now, if you want to talk sanctity of marriage, then you should be prepared to outlaw divorce.

If memory serves me right we are now at a higher divorce rate than people being married.  Did you know that there are people out there that have the mentality of “Starter Marriages”?  OH, get this, another one I saw just today; “What if we let dad’s and Daughters get married (as long as he divorces her mom, or cousins and siblings get married” .  Two things;

  1. being gay is not illegal, incest is
  2. We’re not talking about family

Yes, this country was founded on Christian principles.  “That all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” Declaration of Independence.  How well have we lived up to that?  We had slavery, then the Indians, segregation, and now gay marriage.

On this issue I stand apart from fellow conservatives, we preach about Government getting out of our lives, yet they won’t let a percentage of people be happy with who they are.