Your Help Is Greatly Needed


Dear readers, you may remember me mentioning a friend of mine once or twice in this blog, Tiffany Johnson.  On January 18th she suffered a stroke. She’s recovering slowly.  We’re getting updates everyday and some days improvements are being made however small it is, and some days not so much. The road to recovery is going to be long and difficult. Tiffany and her husband need our help.

Tiffany owns her own business which means that if she isn’t working she’s not making money.  The costs are going to be HUGE! There is a fund set up, the best way to donate is to go to the Friends of Tiffany Facebook Page.  I know I haven’t asked for anything from you before, so I ask you to do this one thing.  Okay two things, please pray for her recovery as well.  I know, I know, I’m not a huge religious guy so for me to ask is tremendous. This woman is so loved that she has people worldwide praying for her.   So again, I ask you to please pray and donate.  Any amount will help.  Oh, FYI, normally I don’t force sharing of my blog posts, but if you don’t share this one and the Friends of Tiffany page I will hunt you down and force your hand to click share!!  Okay not really, however I will be posting this blog everyday until the goal is reached or until I’ve just about tapped all my resources. Yes I will be donating when the money comes in.  Thank you for praying, donating, and sharing.

It has come to my attention that there may or may not be issues with the online payment, IF this is the case here is an address you can send your donations to;

Tiffany Johnson Stroke Fund
14985 Glazier Ave
Apple Valley, MN 55124
Attn: Member Services

Again, thank you.