Deception Hurts Discussion

So I get to work this morning and check Facebook to see this video;

The first words out of my mouth were “NO WAY!! Even he is not that stupid!!”  Now this might seem like a shock, it certainly shocked me, I knew this video was a fraud plant to fit an agenda.  So I went on to find out the context of this speech and found it.  You don’t have to watch the whole thing, unless your into that sort of thing, then  more power to ya. The first five to ten minutes ought to do ya.



This kind of thing needs to stop if we are going to have an open and HONEST discussion on ALL sides of the isle. This was obvious, I mean, I’m not an Obama supporter by any means, never have been, if I can tell this kind of thing out do you honestly think the rest of the world won’t?

Boat Bailing Redundancy

I have stayed quiet and out of anything “Hot Button Issue” for a while.  In fact I’ve been trying to come up with some smartass post that you get a nice chuckle over, however I just read an article from my home state’s public health commissioner about wages and their correlation to public health.  Basically it was a huge ad in favor of raising minimum wages.  BAD IDEA! I’ll tell you why.

Any typical business or retailer will tell you exactly where profits go.  I’m going to use an example of your typical mom and pop hardware store, let’s call it George and Gracie’s Hardware.  The process in a sale of a product is actually quite interesting, first George would have to place orders with different manufacturers for tools.  Let’s say he orders a box of 20 hammers.  He pays $50 for them, meaning he paid $2.50 per hammer. The SRP (Suggested retail price) for each hammer is $3.00.  He needs to recoup his money for the hammers and be able to buy more hammers, so he set’s the price for each hammer at $7.00.  I know.  This sounds like a math problem but just stay with me here.

Wikimedia file

Wikimedia file

You’re probably asking “Why $7.00?”  Because he’s not only going to buy more hammers.  He also has to pay his employees, federal taxes, state taxes, in some cases county and city taxes, employee taxes, electric bill, water bill, health insurance for his employees, advertising, a web page for on-line sales, loan payback and land lease if not rent.  Out of all of that, he can only do so much about each of them to keep costs low.  Now, George and Gracie are doing their best to stay in business, barely scraping by.

Gimme all your money!

Then here comes the State and Federal government raising taxes.  So prices go up, because they can’t afford to lose any employees.  Business starts to slow down because customers can get their tools, in some cases, cheaper at another store.  So now he has cut health insurance just to stay afloat.  Now there’s talk about raising the minimum wage.  The manufacturer of those hammers will also need to raise their prices to pay their employees. He’s got nothing left to do but let people go or raise prices again.  The bigger chain stores because there’s more employees and in multiple states will have an even tougher time with variable local taxes and employment laws.  So prices will rise in those stores as well.    It’s like bailing one end of a sinking boat into the other end.  When will it stop?  When will the government realize that they are not in the business of business?

Do not get me wrong.  I’m not advocating the elimination of minimum wage.  People, for what ever reason, are not understanding that MINIMUM wage is not meant to live off of.  It’s in place to make sure that you get paid something for your work.  typically these positions are filled by teenagers because it’s part-time, they earn their own money, and take that first step towards independence.  The retired senior citizens also take these jobs because they would like to do something other than sit around just collecting a pension or retirement and social security.

However, the workforce has gotten smaller since the last administration and has gotten progressively worse in the current administration.  Leaving engineers and mechanics, programmers, you name it, to find jobs to try to make ends meet.  Pushing the teens out of these jobs.  The only way to reverse any of this is to lower the cost of doing business by getting out of business’ way to grow.  Business growth means more jobs, more jobs mean more tax revenue.

There Can be Only One

The Earth seen from Apollo 17.

The Earth seen from Apollo 17. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Right off the bat I’m going to say it.  I’m not a conspiracy theorist, I don’t believe in the Illuminati or the New World Order B.S.  However, after the last few months events it is getting harder and harder to deny that we are headed for some major shifts in the history man kind on Earth.  A few posts back I brought up the possibility of a one world Government, and why but I never discussed the how.  Click here for that post.

First, a little history lesson.  After the first World War The League of Nations was created.  I know, it sounds like a bad superhero comic, but it was an actual thing.  The Job of TLN was to prevent another world war, obviously it was ineffective.  So, after WWII, The United Nations was formed and took over many of the League’s programs.  We all know how effective the UN is.

Before George Bush took us to war with Iraq the UN passed eighty-seven resolutions in regards to Iraq.  Each one of them Saddam Husein ignored.  The UN has an UNARMED military force.  The truth is the UN is nothing but an all boys club who sits around and discusses world issues without any power to enforce them.  The UN wants the citizens of the US to give up our second amendment.   They can’t force our citizens to that.  This is the issue with creating something like the UN or TLN.  If they had the power to enforce anything like that, then we wouldn’t have sovereign countries.  We would already be a one world government.

Remember the Arab Spring?  The little civil uprisings that placed the Muslim Brotherhood in charge of most of the Middle east.  Now Egypt’s military has now got the majority control of Egypt, and President Barrack Obama praises the brotherhood while snubbing Israel.  Iran has been trying to build Nuclear Weapons.  Now China and Russia are starting to support some of these countries. For those that don’t know, The Muslim Brotherhood in its mission statement is to wipe Israel off the map and instill Sharia Law across the globe.

Now the US itself is so divided between the party lines that actual relationships get destroyed.  Just the other day the US Supreme Court ruled that a health insurance mandate can’t be held under the regulation of commerce clause but it can used under the tax code.  So now we Americans can be taxed if we don’t purchase something.  If this kind of thing keeps up America will suffer through another civil war.

We are coming to a cross roads, economies across the globe are collapsing, dangerous powers are rising.  The stage is set, all it’s going to take is one more giant war with massive destruction and casualties and it will be winner takes all.  Depending on the winner of course, or all countries (what ever countries are left) would have to dissolve their power to the UN.   Please keep in mind, this is all speculation and I’m hardly EVER right on these things.  It’s just something that popped in my head one day and finally articulated it here.  My guess though, keep an eye Syria, they’ve been real quiet through this whole thing.

Stop the Insanity!!!

What in the name of  Zeus and all that is holy is going on here???  I swear the world isn’t cracking up…IT’S ALREADY CRACKED!!  I can not believe the amount of insane, NON commonsense crap that is going on in the world!  It’s unnerving.

Case in point; In Afghanistan there were Qu’rans being burned by our military and consequently and very understandably violent protests broke out.   Our answer (and I’m paraphrasing) “Oops! Our bad. It was an accident.”  WHAT? An accident?  Because we were just sitting around and said “Hey there’s some books with extremist inscriptions in them…LET’S HAVE AN OLD FASHIONED NAZI BOOK BURNIN’!!”…idiots.  Now there’s call for a holy war.

Don’t even get me started on the Congress and the President.  He’s had four years, two of them with full control over the house and senate.  what’s his plan to save the economy and jobs?  SPEND, SPEND, SPEND, TAKE, TAKE, TAKE!!! He reminds me of those Patrick memes, “Why don’t we take all the money from the people and put it in the government hands to give back to the people.”   Why not? Corporations wouldn’t be able to pay you but the government will.  OH, and then it was decided that we should pass bills before they were written and as a prerequisite for being an American “citizen”, WE SHOULD BUY HEALTH INSURANCE! Oh, but don’t worry, you don’t HAVE to have it.  You’ll get fined, (imprisoned if you have kids) for NOT having it.  Just like you don’t have to pay taxes if you don’t want but be prepared for some hefty fines if you don’t.

Oh, and the GOP candidates are only a little better.  You got Santorum; who doesn’t seem to understand that a large part of the GOP base is Libertarian who he thinks is dangerous, Romney; who helped author the monstrosity that is Obamacare, so that’s off the table.  Gingrich, who has a ton of balls (good thing) but will have to answer to his past..a lot.  Then there’s Ron Paul.  This man has some AWESOME domestic plans, but his foreign policies are a friggin’ nightmare.  Before you get all upset, hear me out.  I don’t care how we got to this point with the rest of the world, we’re here.  Nothing is going to change the intense desire to wipe us off the face of planet.  By pulling all our troops and bases from around the globe you are practically inviting our enemies to do as they will.  Iran is arming themselves with nukes, and there have been reports that they are working with Venezuela, who, by the way, have the weaponry to reach the US.  All it takes is one to slip through what ever defenses we have.   It’s an arrogant if not blinded way of thinking.

In the state of Minnesota, the Governor just signed a bill into law requiring teachers to pass a basic skills test before they could teach.  Wait, what?  Teachers didn’t already have to pass a skills test?  NO! They could fail it but still get a temporary THREE YEAR license to teach while they work on passing it!  So How long has this crap been going on??!! Have we been undereducated? Why has this NOT been an issue before?? I would think that something like this would have been implemented, oh I don’t know, FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE PUBLIC EDUCATION PROGRAM!!!

This is why I can’t get into politics.  The insanity that you have to go through is just horrible.  I don’t subscribe to the end times theory but I’ll be damned if one of the signs is not abject stupidity.

When I started this post, I really wasn’t looking to get political.  I may actually think twice before publishing it. I have enough crap to deal with in my own life to worry about the rest of the worlds issues.  Which is why I haven’t posted in a while, and why I may not post again.  Then again I might, it may just take me a while.

Whoa!! Almost Got sucked Back Into the Political Fray!

Photo of musician Hank Williams, Jr. in concer...

Image via Wikipedia

I could easily sit here and start ranting about protesters and Iran maybe being behind it or about the GOP candidates.  I’m not going to.  Simply put I don’t have the man hours  the patience or the desire to dive as deep as I’d love to go. Anything I’d write here would be strictly conjecture.  Truth is I don’t even care that much anymore. There’s so much disinformation out there.  You can’t trust any of the news outlets anymore.  Even Fox News‘ morning show Fox & Friends, which is a opinion news show I’ll grant them that,  cornered Hank Williams Jr. into talking politics when he really just wanted to promote his father’s latest music collection.

You’ve all seen the video and if you haven’t you can look it up, I’ve seen it way too many times to even post it again.  Consequently he’s got a new song out for free on his website. Click here to hear it and download it if you’d like.  I mean c’mon!! Even Joy Behar had come out in defense of him!

So what are we supposed to do?  Who can you trust?  British newspapers?  They might go more in-depth because they don’t have a stake in the game here.  Politics is an ugly beast with no soul, so it tries to suck yours.

What I should do is streamline this blog and put a genre to it.  Then do regular postings but I need  your help in narrowing down the fields of interest, and subject matters. I appreciate any helpful insights you can give me.

Oh as always feel free to share ANY post you’d like.

Apollo 18, Conspiracy Theories and the Movies….Sounds Fun!

A lunar base with a mass driver (the long stru...

Image via Wikipedia

So this weekend Apollo 18 opens up in theaters.  It’s another fakeumentary, that is its filmed in the same fake documentary like The Blair Witch Project and the Paranormal Activity movies.  Don’t get me wrong but it seems like anybody with a few thousand dollars and a HD video camera can make a movie now and actually get it in theaters.  Right!  Back to the movie!

The whole premise is that after the supposed last Apollo mission to the moon (Apollo 17) that there was one more that NASA and the Government covered up because of an encounter with alien beings.  There are several common sense issues I have with this but I’ll get back to that in a minute.  I want to see this movie just for the entertainment.  Mainly because it seems that Hollywood has been out of ideas and seems to want to rehash old ones.

Now my issue with this idea is that had there been another Apollo launch it would be REALLY hard to deny it happened.  I’m sure that anybody in Florida can tell you that they know when a launch goes up.  Not to mention there are die hard space program fans out there who would be at every launch and can tell you specifics about each one.

That’s not to say that I don’t believe that an alien encounter didn’t happen.  I just don’t think there was a secret extra mission.  Afterall there were 17 missions and one of them tragically didn’t even make it off the ground, and another encountered a defect that caused them not to land on the moon and nearly got lost out there.  The whole purpose of the Apollo project was to create a moon base as a way station to expand out to Mars.  Simple concept, since it takes less fuel to leave the moon than it does to leave Earth.  So what happened to that plan?  Well I’m sure funding became an issue for one or was there another reason?

There have been theories and I’m sure we’ve all seen the “footage” of NASA astronauts roaming around an abandoned alien base.   For me this footage is too crappy even for 1969 standards and too smooth to be real.  However I do find it peculiar that soon after we fired a couple of missiles on the far side of the moon that we started shutting down the shuttle program.  I do seem to remember that there was some talk about returning to the moon though.  I guess we’ll see.

The official report from the government is that those missiles were fired to see if water droplets would fly out indicating that there was water on the moon.  Perhaps in order to attempt a terraforming operation? Of course the conspiracy theorists out there have their opinions like we actually blew up a clandestine Chinese\north Korean\Russian military base.  I think if we did then tensions would have been higher than it is.  However, if there was a base there that was alien, then maybe we’re fighting a much bigger war than the public knows about.  Then again where’s the retaliation from that?

So to get back to my original point, watch what you want whether it’s YouTube or movies but please take these things with a grain of salt.

U.S. Government’s Role in Your Life

Since the inception of the U.S. Constitution there has been debates on how the Government should be run.  It’s the reason why we have amendments, if something turns out to be missing or an issue arises out of an ever evolving world we can adjust it with a clear consensus.

There has been a lot of talk and debates of overreaching.  Rightly so, we’ve had an in your face government for quite a while.  People have grown dependent on the government’s money and programs.  Rather than them helping themselves it’s easier to just have the government hand them what they need.  Not to mention some welfare recipients are getting more money from the government than most companies are willing to pay entry-level employees.

The way the government was set up was with the promise of life, liberty, and the PURSUIT of happiness.  Lately it’s become life (if your wanted), security, and taxpayer-funded happiness.  Slowly we’ve been handing over our God-given rights in the name of security, the planet, or health.

The United States government’s job is to protect us from foreign invaders, maintain an infrastructure, and provide a currency.  That’s it, everything else in your life was up to you.

I think we can all agree that life is not safe or fair.  So why are we pussyfooting around the fact that muslim extremists are the enemy?  Profile the hell out of people at the airport! Forget all these scans and patting down.  Get help from the Israelis. They’ve been doing this for longer than most of us have been around.  They have an excellent track record. Of course they also have armed soldiers at the head of the plane.  Things can be modified a bit.

We get it! Cigarettes are bad for your health.  Thank you for your concern, now back the hell off us.  Get out of our cars and stay out of our business’.  You do understand that if they can go in to your restaurants and ban smoking in the name of health, they can also ban the food that is served, right?

Everyone has the right to live.  Oh unless, you were unplanned then it’s a question of whether or not to abort.  This is a tricky subject for me, on one hand I see the necessity if the baby is not going to be well, or if the mother is at a grave risk.  Then there are those that get abortions as a form of birth control.

Unlike some other conservatives, I admire the Gay people who are trying to fight for the right to be happy in sanctioned marriage.  Yes there are civil unions but that only goes so far for legalities that come up.  For instance if your partner is hurt or even killed, you are not the next of kin.  You would have no legal right to have any say in funeral arrangements if the family doesn’t want you involved.  If a lesbian couple decide to have a baby and the partner that actually had it was killed guess what? That baby is now in the hands of the biological grandparents.  There was talk about changing the rules of the civil unions so why not just let them get married.  It doesn’t affect me at all, my life isn’t going to get torn apart by this. So you politicians in Washington need to just put their big boy/girl underpants on and let them get married.

We’re grown adults, we’re not idiots, we know from right and wrong. we know who we are, and who we need to be.  Do you really need your life legislated to the point of suffocation?