Calling it quits

There comes a time when you ask yourself, “Am I making a difference?” or “Have I really done anything useful?” This is something I’ve been struggling with for the last few weeks.  I came to the conclusion that after this post, I’m done.  No more posts.  I’ll leave the blog up until which time I feel that nobody reads it anymore.

I’m lucky and blessed enough to have maybe ten readers a post.  Nobody shares but they read it.  I thank you all for your support and I don’t take this decision lightly but I think the time has come to realize, I’m not that good at this.  In fact I down right suck at it.  So with that I say Good night, Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Happy Kwanza, blessed be.  I hope 2011 will bring you happiness and prosperity.

6 thoughts on “Calling it quits

  1. I didnt even know you had a blog set up or I would have checking it out and challenging your mind. dont give up, I have always been told all it takes is one person to make a difference..


  2. I must admit, I’ve only read one or two.

    The point I’d like to make is this: Are you really doing this for everyone else?

    I understand blogging. I have never partook in the venture, nor do I subscribe to anyone. However, it is my opinion that most people do it for themselves. Once they start doing it for everyone else is when they want to make money at it. Is this your ultimate goal?

    My suggestion: Do it for yourself, at your own pace. Those ten people are listening for a reason.


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