
I’m not one to sit here and slam one person but really, this time stupid is as stupid does.  In a recent broadcast Joy Behar had a panel and actually asked “Do you think this constitution loving has gone too far?”  WHERE DOES SHE THINK SHE LIVES?! For the love of all that is holy, why in the hell does that question need to be asked?

She was referring to the new Republican house reading the constitution out loud.  I agree it shouldn’t be necessary and it’s an obvious tactic,  but it also takes away arguments from the left when they say something is in the constitution that isn’t.  The separation of church and state for instance.

The tea party would just like for the government to follow the law of the land. Joy, the constitution allows for your show to air.  Just like it allows for Fox News to air.  To be honest, it doesn’t allow you to do anything instead it limits the government’s power.

This isn’t the first time she’s said some really insanely idiotic things either.  A couple of years ago she had said something to the effect that Black Fridays was a racist term.  Anybody in the business world will tell you that in the Black means that your making money.  Black Friday just means that businesses and manufacturers are making huge amounts of cash.

I have Liberal friends, please tell me that she is not a voice for you.  I honestly am thinking about you when I say she does not lend you any credibility.  She’s like Wikipedia she might have some useful information but can you really trust it?

Political Correctness Run Amok? Censorship? Or overreacting?

Wow, what a week huh?  First Juan Williams is fired from NPR, then Britt Griffith is fired from SyFy.  Both because of statements made in interviews.  I think we need to analyze these two situations.  FYI, the language get’s a little extreme.

First let’s start with Juan.  Here’s what he said on the O’Reilly Factor:

“I mean, look, Bill, I’m not a bigot. You know the kind of books I’ve written about the civil rights movement in this country. But when I get on the plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous.”

He also went on to say that we can’t generalize all individuals into one category.  So NPR a well-known liberal leaning station with ties to George Soros, had this to say:

“His remarks on ‘The O’Reilly Factor’ this past Monday were inconsistent with our editorial standards and practices, and undermined his credibility as a news analyst with NPR.”

Really?  It seems that NPR would love to let you speak your mind, or rather their mind.  Sad really, he wasn’t even giving an oppinion, he was stating how he felt at the airport!  You can’t help that.  “Well Ken, that may have been how he felt but it shouldn’t have been said, I mean he could have offended a bunch of Muslims.”  So what? Wouldn’t it stand to reason that after 9-11 (which all the hijackers were muslim extremists) that you would be just a little worried?  especially since we were told that there was more to come?  I know when I’m in the airport, I keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary. I’m supposed to, that’s part of my duties which the badge I have.

Now on to Britt Griffith, in a recent online radio interview where, from everything I heard (because I can’t find the interview anywhere), he had stated that when you get on the east coast you run into a bunch of “anti gun pussy faggots.”  then he went on to be unapologetic and stated, and I’m going to paraphrase this, if you don’t like what he says then turn the station.  Soon after that he was fired from SyFy’s Ghost Hunters International.

I want to be real clear here, I’m not condoning his words.  He should’ve apologized about the terms he used, not his feelings on the subject.  When he did the interview he wasn’t necessarily there for SyFy, he was there from his own group the Rain City Paranormal.  So why did he get fired? Who at SyFy makes these decisions?  Let’s look at who owns SyFy, NBC.  Yup the same company that brings you Nickelodeon, MSNBC, CNBC, Telemundo, ShopNBC, Universal Studios, The Wheather Channel (Where they fired the entire climate team for not believing in global warming, when they took over), USA, Oxygen, and Bravo.  Plus a whole lot more production companies.  Here’s a portfolio over view. http://www.nbcuni.com/About_NBC_Universal/Company_Overview/index.shtml

I knew there was a reason I wasn’t liking SyFy.  When they took over Sci Fi they made the name switch and stated they were trying to make it less geeky.  WHY?! It was fine the way it was!  Anyway it would stand to reason that the same station that gave you the very liberal leaning MSNBC would also fire someone for their speech in an interview.

See the pattern, If you have a view other than theirs you MUST be silenced.  You can no longer be affiliated with them in any shape matter or form.  Plus I think SyFy is trying to drop Ghost Hunters, but doesn’t want the fans to revolt.  What better way than to try to bore the hell out of you for two seasons.

Oh, here’s an interesting fact, the interview Britt gave was about a month ago, and we’re just learning about this now?  Neither Britt nor Juan should have been fired.  This is how it starts, the censorship, the sacrifices in order to keep others at bay.  Who’s next?  It’ll happen again.  I can guarantee it.

UPDATE:NBC was previously owned by GE, and was Recently sold to Comcast….We’ll see how this turns out.

Also SyFy had a change of heart and rehired Britt Griffiths almost right after his firing.

9-11 Anniversary

September 11, 2001 attacks in New York City: V...

September 11, 2001 attacks in New York City: View of the World Trade Center and the Statue of Liberty. (Image: US National Park Service ) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I still remember that day as  if it were yesterday.  I was a copier tech waiting outside for our parts salvage area to open up and listening to The Dave Ryan show on KDWB.  He was off for some reason and it was just Pat and Angie interviewing Gary Spivey.

Another tech came up to my car and asked me if I was listening to AM 1500 and that a plane had hit the world trade center.  my immediate thought was “fabulous, another Cessna pilot that couldn’t control his plane. ”  Boy was I wrong.  Then I wondered why it wasn’t being covered on KDWB.  So I went back and sure enough just as they finished the interview, they got word and started covering it.

I got the part I needed, and continued on, then I heard that another plane had struck the other tower, the pentagon and then one had gone down in a field in Pennsylvania.  I called my wife from the customer’s

site and told her what was going on.  That entire day seemed really quiet, we were told later on that if we weren’t comfortable going into a government building we didn’t have to.

Even with the events of the day we still worked, thinking that if we did then we wouldn’t have played into the terrorist plans.  Yet, they did disrupt our lives.  After that day we started living in fear.  Fear in that it will happen again, fear that our liberties will be eradicated in the name of security.

Unfortunately we have lost some of our freedoms.  A while back my wife’s best friend’s husband was stationed in Korea, they called each other a few times.  This one time my wife tried to call her, a man picked up wondered why she was calling South Korea.  It was none of his business, but in the name of national security we understood.

I haven’t flown since before 9-11, not because I didn’t want to but because I haven’t had any place to go or money to get there.  I’m no longer a copier  repair professional, I’m now outsourced to a mail room in a major airline.  I’ve seen the equipment that TSA uses, the people putting their shoes back on and the now they have scanners that see through your clothes.  We gave up our privacy in the name of security.  In fact, they have even gone through our mail that we get from other airports.

I think maybe they won a little bit.  Our lives have been disrupted, we can no longer afford these freedoms we once took advantage of. Yes, we laid hell in Iraq, and Afghanistan.  Yes, we toppled a regime that was genocidal.  We still live in fear, we gave up some of our freedoms for security.  We can’t ever go back to a pre 9-11 mentality because then it will happen again.  I miss being young enough not to worry about the next big event.

Build or not?

I’ve recently been asked what my thoughts were on the Ground Zero Mosque.  I could only answer that they do have the right to build there.  Why a Greek Orthodox church can’t rebuild on a piece of  property that they’ve owned since before 9-11 I don’t know.

 I say go ahead and build it.  Why not?  There is no lawful reason to not build.  However, builder be warned, you want to build a Mosque near/on the grounds where 300,000 New Yorkers lost their lives. Including women children and pregnant women.   New York has some of the most proud citizens in this country. There was a line I am reminded of from the movie Spider-man “You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us!”

Well, the very same beliefs that Imam Fiesal Abdul Rauf are the ones that killed 300,000 New Yorkers.  Let me be very clear about this, I’m not advocating violence or destruction.  I don’t think the people of New York will let this mosque stay. When the law and government fail the people will find a way. 

Oh and some of those people killed were cops.  Do you think they’re going to look real hard for any perpetrators that may cause some kind of damage?  You know what, I take that back, I’m sure they’ll put it at the top of their list.  Right up there with all the murders they have to solve.

In all fairness, this mosque is already the center of  the nation’s attention, so any kind of vandalism or violence might put some national pressure on the NYPD or the FBI.  However, the damage will already be done. 

I will probably get a ton of comments calling me an instigator, or that I’m a hater or racist.  So be it, I have already said I don’t advocate or condone violence or vandalism.  Anyway I’m just saying build it at your own risk.

Avatar: A review that will change everything!

OK Ladies and Gentlemen, yes I did it. I did what I swore I wouldn’t do because of the political statements I was told this movie made. Yup, I watched Avatar. I went into it EXPECTING it to be this ultra liberal, tree hugging, anti-war movie. I’m glad to say I was disappointed at the failed attempt to be such a movie by James Cameron.

First, let’s look at the attempt to be political. Yes, the heroes of this movie fought to protect their planet from deforestation by military brute force. However James Cameron miscalculated one simple fact.

IT’S ANOTHER FREAKING PLANET!!!!!!! With a completely different ecosystem!! If our trees had the ability to download memories and thoughts of ancestors, hell yes I’d fight for that!! They fought for what they know to be right! Another little overlooked fact, yes at one point they were Marines, now they work for a corporation…..THEY’RE MERCANARIES NOW!!!!! Not some military force. Now without all it’s special effects the story would have been slow and boring. I think people are really going to see these movies strictly for the effects. Huge Fail to be a liberal movie…..just saying…..